Teacher Training
Share your love of hooping with the world and make money from your passion!
Do you LOVE how hooping makes you feel?
Do you want to share that passion with other people?
Do you want to get paid for doing what you love?
But in 2007, I was constantly in pain and hating my job
Actually, I didn’t hate the job itself, but my chronic illness made sitting at a desk in front of a computer agony. I was also suffering quite badly from anxiety, low self-worth and a terrible body image. Basically, I felt trapped. I knew something needed to shift but I had no idea how.
Then I found hula hooping and life changed
My best friend started going to a hula hoop class and I plucked up the courage to go with her. Even though I struggled to waist hoop (for weeks!), I quickly became addicted to learning hoop tricks.Taking one my very first hoop classes in 2007As the months went by, I fell more deeply in love with hooping. My body became stronger and started to feel more comfortable moving it in new ways without being so self-critical.
In 2010, I left Australia to start a new life in England, and I desperately wanted to share my joy and hoop passion with other people. I made the decision to completely change career paths and set up my first hoop class in Brighton.
Now I have the best job in the world!
Today I earn my living by making people happy! I regularly get messages from students telling me that I’ve changed their life by giving them the confidence to move their body and bring more joy into their every day.
And, because I’m my own boss, I get to choose when and how I want to work - so no more hours chained to a desk! My chronic illness doesn’t define me anymore and I get to set my own hours - so I can spend more time with my 3-year-old son while he is still little.
I wish someone had held my hand along the way!
Today I run a thriving and successful business but, I’ll be completely honest with you, the first few years were a slog. I have no background in business and I made so many (sometimes costly) mistakes. I also struggled with the overwhelm and isolation of self-employment, and there were a few times where I almost gave up.
Thankfully my passion for hula hooping kept me going. But I don’t want anyone to make the same mistakes I did. So I created my LiveLoveHoop teacher training which has so far certified 300+ hula hoopers and helped them create joyful and unique hoop businesses around the world.
In just a few months, you could be spreading the joy of hooping and making money doing it!
Hoopers who want to make money doing a job they are passionate about
Hoopers who want to go deeper into their practice (and make cash to support their hoop addiction 🤣)
Hoopers who want the freedom to teach in their own style and don't want to be a part of a franchise
Fitness professionals who want to add a new string to their bow
School teachers who want to add some fun to their classes
Care or disability workers who want a new way to connect with their clients
Anyone who wants to share the joy of hooping with others!
I’ve been running my hoop teacher training program since 2010 and this is the most common question I get.
Even people who have been hooping for years are worried they haven’t got “enough” tricks.
Let me reassure you. If you have a passion for hooping (which, since you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you do), and the drive to complete my teacher training course, then you ARE good enough!
In this course I walk you through everything step-by-step and build up your knowledge and skillset week by week, so you don’t feel overwhelmed along the way.
Your job is to go all-in with me and commit to doing the work in the course!
(Ideally you will have been hooping for at least 6 months before starting, so you have a grounding in the basics, but in the past, I’ve had people join who could only waist hoop, and they excelled!)
With my step-by-step approach, you'll be teaching hoop classes with confidence
You get 8 weeks of live and bonus pre-recorded lessons packed with practical info that you can start using immediately.
Live sessions will be on Monday evenings 7-8pm BST starting 10th May 2021.
All sessions are recorded so you can access them anytime if you can’t make the timeslot.
Week 1 - 10th May
👩🏫 Foundations of a great hoop teacher
Let’s set you up for success! In this session, we look at the history and theory of teaching hula hooping, consider what makes a great hoop teacher, and break down the different stages of learning hoop tricks. We also focus on your mindset and take practical steps to challenge any confidence issues you might have.
Week 2 - 17 May
⭕ How to break down and teach ANY hoop trick
The heart of the whole teacher training course! In this session, I will share my tried-and-tested method of analysing, understanding and teaching ANY hoop move.
Bonus - You get access to my video library of beginner hoop moves where I show you exactly how to teach them all, step-by-step with troubleshooting tips.
Week 3 - 24 May
📹 Teaching your first hoop class
Now you know how to teach tricks, it’s time to structure your first class. In this session, I teach you how to plan your hoop course/workshop, how to clearly demo your tricks to the class, plus loads of helpful tips that I’ve learned in my 13 years of teaching hoop.
Bonus - a pdf download of my 6-week beginner lesson plan including warm-ups, trick break downs and troubleshooting.
Bonus - how to teach beginner choreographies and use flow exercises in your class.
Week 4 - 31 May
✍️ Implementation week/Q&A with me
Use this week to go through all the material you haven’t looked at yet, start practising your hoop teaching skills and ask me any questions you like.
Bonus - how to teach hooping to children (includes 27 hoop games to play with them!)
Bonus - How to teach hooping for fitness
Bonus - how to teach people with special needs
Week 5 - 7 June
💻 How to build a successful and unique hoop business
“No one else is you and that is your power”. In this session, we look at why you want to set up your hoop business (including your vision and purpose), how to find your ideal customer, what your unique selling point is (hint, it’s you!), and how to choose a business name that feels right. We talk about competition in a frank and open way, and we also discuss the legal, tax and admin side of running a hoop business.
Bonus - pdf download of your business planning workbook.
Bonus - how to be anti-racist and inclusive in your hoop business (and in life!)
Week 6 - 14 June
🔑 What you need to get your hoop class started
All the practical info you need! In this session, we talk about what to look for when booking a venue, what to charge, how to collect payments, whether you should run a drop-in class or course and lots more. We also talk about how to actually make hoops and what other equipment you need to start teaching. We finish by setting SMART goals to put you on the path to business success.
Week 7 - 21 June
💰How to sell out your hoop classes
Now you have all the tools to get started, you need students! In this session, I’ll share the 3 key things you need before you start marketing and share the best ways to promote yourself (both in the real world and online). We also dive into the practicalities of online teaching in order to reach a wider audience.
Week 8 - 28th June
📘Recap, Q&A and exam submissions open
It’s time to show me what you've learned! We finish the course with a chat about the future of your hoop business, including how to keep students coming back again and again. I will do a final Q&A session. And this week you can submit your exam video demonstrating your teaching, alongside your completed workbooks. (You have up to 4 weeks after this final session to submit).
Making and selling hoops is a fantastic way to add an additional income stream to your business! Plus it's a lot cheaper than buying them to use in class.
In this workshop, professional hoop smith Gail O'Brien will teach you exactly how to make your first beginner hoop including:
Performing can be an incredibly rewarding part of your hooping life and a great way to make extra money. But it can also be terrifying if you've never done it before!
In this workshop, professional performer and hoop superstar, Lila Chupa-Hoops will give you an overview of the process of creating and selling your first hoop act including:
Be the first to find out about my next Hoop Teacher Training - sign up for the waiting list!
I'll be in touch as soon as I have the dates and info for my 2022 Hoop Teacher Training
Jo Mondy is an internationally renowned hula hooper who has taught thousands of people to hoop all around the world.
She first picked up a hoop in 2007 - at a class on Bondi beach in Sydney - and quickly got addicted to the joy of learning tricks.
She found herself getting stronger and more toned, plus, as someone who had always struggled with body image, hulahooping became a beautiful way for Jo to connect with herself and enjoy movement in a non-judgemental way.
When she moved to to the UK in 2010, she built a strong and vibrant hooping community in Brighton and then went on to tour the world teaching at many major hoop events such as Hoop Camp (USA), GHC (Germany), SWhoop (UK), RendezVoup (France). She also started her own successful hoop event, Brighton Flow Fest which ran bianually for 9 years.
In 2019 Jo set up her online hooping classes and her lessons have been downloaded 3000+ times and featured on the front page of the Guardian and the BBC. Her popular YouTube tutorials have 200k views.
Jo's teacher training program started in 2011 and has since certified over 300 hoopers, with many going on to launch successful and profitable hoop businesses as a result.
Jo is always up for fun new activities and she loves nothing more than to go paddle boarding on a sunny day at her local beach in Worthing with her husband Andy and their 3 year old son, Jesse.
Jo's 13 years of teaching experience means you get a shortcut to success!
In this course you'll get 8 weeks of live zoom sessions every Monday at 7-8pm BST. First class is on Monday 10th May with the final class on 28th June. All sessions are recorded so you will have access to them at any time if you can't join live. Prerecorded bonus sessions will be uploaded to your portal on certain weeks (see course structure above for more info). If you qualify for any of the live bonuses, you'll find out dates and times once the course starts.
You’ll need to submit a video of yourself teaching hoop (either in person or online) so I can give you personalised feedback and ensure your teaching meets my qualification criteria. You have 4 weeks from the end of the live lessons to submit. You’ll also need to fill in a workbook to demonstrate your understanding of the course content and show me how you plan to start teaching once the course is finished. The course is not pass/fail or graded, but if I don't feel you have achieved the standard of teaching that I require, I will ask you to try again until I'm satisfied.
I would suggest a minimum of 2 hours a week (1 hour to watch the live lesson, the rest practicing your teaching or working on your goals/business planning). The bonus sessions are extras that will help you get more out of the course, but are not essential learning to pass the course. I've also made sure to build in implementation time in the course, so you can catch up if life gets in the way.
Don't worry, everything will be recorded for you to catch up on in your own time. You also have lifetime access to the vidoes.
Yes. I've had people many different countries do the course with great success. Just remember, it is your responsibility to investigate the legal, tax and insurance information relevant to your local area. But I will give you pointers on what you need to look for and how to go about it.
No! That means there’s a market for hooping where you live. I'm a big believer in community over competition, so we will talk about this in the course.
In the UK, the answer is no, but you may choose to get one if you wish to go down a more fitness orientated route. If you're outside of the UK, you should check your own country's regulations, but in my experience, a hoop teacher qualification is enough to get insured to teach in most countries.
There is a whole section of this course about teaching online including all the tech equipment you need, how build an audience online and more. This is useful during pandemic times, but also for anyone who wants to expand their reach to a global market.
If you love hooping, you can teach it! I'll be here to hold you hand the whole way.