Find Your Flow with Jo
Learn simple & effective techniques to make your hooping flow beautifully & feel great!
Do you admire the way other hoopers make their hooping look smooth and effortless?
Do YOU want to move seamlessly between different hoop tricks without even thinking about it?
Do you want some easy ways to get into the “flow” zone more quickly and easily in your hoop practice?
Do you want to be able to dance with your hoop - even if you've never taken a dance class in your life?
In 2007, I discovered hula hooping and life changed
About 14 years ago (a lifetime in hoop years!), my best friend started going to a hula hoop class and I plucked up the courage to go with her. Even though I struggled to waist hoop (for weeks!), I quickly became addicted to learning hoop tricks.
But even though I loved hooping, I felt awkward and uncomfortable!
As someone who had NEVER done any dance classes in her life, I felt really stiff and awkward when I tried to link together my hoop tricks in a smooth way.
Plus I was struggling with body confidence issues and the thought of moving my body as well as the hoop brought up a lot of unconscious fears for me.
What if I looked silly? What if people judged me for trying to 'dance'? Could I really look like all those hoopers I admired who just seemed to flow between moves with grace?
Me as a beginner hooper in 2007Enter flow exercises!
The more passionate I became about hooping, the more I realised I needed to overcome this mental block and learn to accept myself and really enjoy moving with my hoop.
And so over the years, through research, tuition and plenty of self reflection time, I developed a range of hoop flow exercises and techniques.
I use them in my practice all the time to help me connect my tricks together, move my body in a way that feels and looks good and get straight into that blissful flow state while hooping.
Now I love moving and dancing with my hoop - and I don't care what anyone else thinks!
Today I can pick up my hoop and enjoy moving my whole body with freedom and ease.
I can dive into a flow state quickly and easily and forget everything else that's going on in my life at the time.
I can hoop in front of anyone (in person or online) and not care what they think of my hoop style, my body or my flow, because the only thing that matters is that I'm enjoying it.
I wish someone had given me a shortcut to flow years ago!
It took me a long time to work on my confidence and actually believe that I was not only a great hooper but a great hoop dancer too.
And one of my greatest joys is to share my flow techniques and exercises with my students, to help them become smoother and more confident in their own hoop practice.
And so I created this online workshop, to share my 14+ years of flow experience and my 13+ years of teaching with YOU, wherever you are in the world.
No matter how long you've been hooping, Jo's techniques will get you moving and dancing with your hoop smoothly & joyfully!
You'll get the recording of Jo's LIVE zoom workshop which means you can take the class at your own leisure.
You get lifetime access to the video so you can revisit it anytime you need a flow boost!
💃 The class will start with a quick introduction to what hooping flow actually is.
⭕ Then Jo will take you through a number of techniques and exercises which will help you improve you hoop transitions, move your body and access that wonderful flow state more easily.
🙈 We will finish with a blindfolded exercise to help you get in touch with your other senses while hooping (actual blindfold is highly recommended but if you prefer just to shut your eyes that is fine)
❓ You are welcome to ask any questions or share progress videos in Jo's facebook group or via email
Everyone is welcome in this workshop, whether you've just started hooping or you've been hooping for years.
If you're a complete beginner who has never picked up a hoop before, I would suggest trying my beginners course first, then come back to this one.
Jo Mondy is an internationally renowned hula hooper who has taught thousands of people to hoop all around the world.
She first picked up a hoop in 2007 - at a class on Bondi beach in Sydney - and quickly got addicted to the joy of learning tricks.
She found herself getting stronger and more toned, plus, as someone who had always struggled with body image, hulahooping became a beautiful way for Jo to connect with herself and enjoy movement in a non-judgemental way.
When she moved to to the UK in 2010, she built a strong and vibrant hooping community in Brighton and then went on to tour the world teaching at many major hoop events such as Hoop Camp (USA), GHC (Germany), SWhoop (UK), RendezVoup (France). She also started her own successful hoop event, Brighton Flow Fest which ran bianually for 9 years.
In 2019 Jo set up her online hooping classes and her lessons have been downloaded 3000+ times and featured on the front page of the Guardian and the BBC. Her popular YouTube tutorials have 200k views.
Jo's teacher training program started in 2011 and has since certified over 300 hoopers, with many going on to launch successful and profitable hoop businesses as a result.
Jo is always up for fun new activities and she loves nothing more than to go paddle boarding on a sunny day at her local beach in Worthing with her husband Andy and their 3 year old son, Jesse.
This workshop was taught on Tuesday 10th August 2021. You'll get the recording, so you can join in anytime you like. If you have any questions that come up for you while doing the workshop, you can contact Jo directly or via her facebook group.
A hoop that you're comfortable with both on and off the body. A space to hoop in (the bigger the better, but you can definitely do this inside in a small space if you need to). A good internet connection and device to watch on. A blindfold or scarf to cover your eyes in the final segment.